PRIVATE INVITATION: Strictly for $10K Accelerator Members ONLY (do not share with the public)

The Fastest and Easiest Way
To Make Hands-Free Money.


I understand, because of all the up-front work and costs of building everything for me, there are strictly no refunds on this purchase - all sales are final. When I make all the passive income, I agree to post a testimonial in the Private Group. If I cancel, I can never re-join, and I will lose everything Michael's team build for me including my domain name,  website, hosting, autoresponder, subscribers, and access to the NETBUCKS members area, Private Community and LIVE Coaching Sessions.

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8th September 2024

From the Desk of Michael Cheney

Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

Dear Accelerator Member,

Let's be honest making a living online can be a bit of a struggle.

You had a dream of making it to "money town".

But sometimes you feel like you are unsure of your next step and how the pieces fit together.

You feel like you could give up or that your partner is right, and you should quit.

But you don't want to give up on your dreams of freedom with money town.

What about the so-called experts?

"They" tell you get in the car and drive to money town...

But It's Not As Easy As They Say...

First you will need a car body.

Complex InstructionsThis is the Domain name and professional web hosting you need.

Without this you look unprofessional.

And if your hosting goes down then your business is OUT of business.

So getting a great personal branded website is a must.

And you need great Hosting.

It's A Nightmare Because You Have Pay For All These Different Components And Then Try To Do All The Hard Work, Learning, And Building To Get Them To Work

Next, you will need an engine.

Engine DiagramThis is your Mailing list.

You car is going nowhere fast with no list.

And you need a fuel injection system.

This is what's going to put the fuel into the engine.

So you need a website, lead magnet, a lead page, a thank you page.

Even After Slaving Away For Months And Buying All The Expensive Components You Are No Closer To Making Money...

You still need to get fuel.

Lost!Visitors are that fuel.

Without visitors who become customers, there is no business and no car going to money town. 

You also need a map.

This is a proven system, so you are not flailing around in the dark hoping...

And you need a guide who has been there and can guide you to Money Town.

Most So-Called Experts Could Care Less About You - They Just Abandon You, Leaving You Stranded In The Desert...

What you need is a REAL Coach, by your side week after week to ENSURE you succeed.

Lost in DesertBut most experts leave you on your own to figure it out yourself.

So you end up having to invest a ton of money to buy all the "raw components."

Then you spend hours trying to figure out how to piece everything together.

You get stuck spending hours and hours creating content, emails, sales letters and everything else, as you try to learn all the millions of skills.

But no sooner have you learned something, when the method changes on your or the market shifts and it doesn't work any more.

Then you have to "re-engineer" all of it.


There MUST be an easier way...

Why Bother Doing All That Learning, Building, Engineering, and Hard Work When We Can Just Do EVERYTHING For You?

What do you really want?

Didn't you come online to make money? To go to Money town?

So screw all that hard work trying to build everything, reading instruction manuals, getting lost and not knowing what to do.

We are just going to build everything for you and hand you over a complete business-in-a-box...

We Are Gosh-Darned Building The Car For You, Filling It With Fuel, Giving You Money And Co-Piloting You All The Way To Money Town!

NETBUCKS = Moneytown



Your Very Own Money-Making, Personally-Branded Website
(Value $5000)

Your Image on the Website.,
Landing Page Done for you, A custom Freebie to Give Away.
76 Days worth of Auto Responder emails sent to your list

All professionally branded to you! Collecting leads and getting you Paid!


Hosting On Our Server For Maximum Speed and Response
(Value $3000)

Other guys cut you off if you use too much Bandwidth.
This hosting is Fast and Reliable! The only hosting we trust with our own sites!

This way your site is always up, you are always in business and you can make money ALL the time!



High-Value Personalized Domain Name Purchased,
Managed and Paid For
(Value $1000)

Do you shop at places with no Storefront and No name?
It would feel unprofessional. So we will get a domain name for you.
Something that is branded to you and shows YOU ARE Professional.
Everyone will take you seriously, as a real business, with your new branded Domain Name


Pro Lead Magnet Written and Created For You,
Branded With Your Name and Photo (
Value $1500)

Custom Lead Magnet will be made for you. This will have your name as the Author/Presenter. Your image will be present so they can easily get to know, like and trust you. And they will be able to buy from YOUR affiliate link inside...


Hands-Free Autoresponder Set Up,
Activated and Managed For You
(Value $7,000)

No more getting your hands dirty. No penalties for adding contacts. No fines for non-Spam Act Compliance. Just people going on your list, seeing your emails and getting you paid! All effortless on your part...


76 Automatic Sales-Getting Emails Written For You And
Placed In Your Autoresponder
(Value $4,000)

Don't have 20 years in copyrighting? Don't have time to go grab that masters degree in marketing? No Problem. We will use professionally written copy, that will do the selling for you. 76 days of follow up emails making you money. 


High Quality Kick Start Traffic Sent To Your Website
(Value $1,000)

Everyone needs traffic to have a business. We understand. That is why we have included the kick start package. My colleagues said this should be an upsell or one time offer, but I said NO. I have included your first 300 clicks so you can get start getting subscribers. That way you can start getting to the money as quickly as possible.


Your First 100 Subscribers Done for You (Value $1,500)

Getting the first 100 people can be hard. So we have jumpstarted your business and we will put the first 100 people in the car with you.


Hands-Free Profit Share On
All Michael Cheney's Lucrative Launches
(Value $12,000)

Share the Profits of EACH and EVERY Michael Cheney launch from now on. (This includes the upcoming launch for the 16th). He will promote to his list but use your affiliate link! He will promote you without you lifting a finger. This is "Do Nothing Service" (which you all saw made people money) on STEROIDS. You get a share of all his launches.


Instant Passive Income Paid Within First 24 Hours
and More Money Every Week!
(Value $3,000)

Would you like to get paid now or later? YES PLEASE.

We will pay you within 24 hours in most cases (excluding weekends) and then we will pay you recurring money every, single, week!
This money requires no work on your part. It comes with this offer.



100% Commissions On All Michael Cheney's
Training Programs And Launches
(Value $7,000)

Anything that you sell (of Michael Cheney's Training and Products) you keep all the money. You don't share a dime with him!


Exclusive Weekly ‘NETBUCKS LIVE’ Sessions (Value $5,000)

Exclusive training! There will be a special session each week just for Netbucks members. This will include top tips and behind the scenes secrets that will not be revealed anywhere else.


The NETBUCKS Closed-Doors Country Club (Value $3,000)

Everyone else will be locked out and in the dark. There will be a special members only area. This country club will have high fences so no one can peek in on what we are doing and learning. Exclusive members only activities will be fun and PROFITABLE.


Free Access To All Of Michael Cheney’s Past, Current and Future
Training Programs (Value $5,000)

Master everything Cheney knows. Every one of my past trainings, you can have access to. Included! Everything I release in the future? Yours too. Take them one at a time so you can implement everything you are learning, then master the next training, until you are making tons of money with all the correct action you are taking!


The Incredible NETBUCKS Opportunity



But you won't be paying near that, though it would be worth it!

Before I show you the link, let’s look at your alternatives here...

NETBUCKS is the best

And You Are COMPLETELY Covered With Not 1, Not 2, But These THREE Powerful Guarantees...


People who are thinking of how they may be able to refund, before they even join a program, will never succeed - they are the pinheads who take no responsibility for their actions.

There are no refunds on this because my team and I have huge outlays of costs and time, just to build your NETBUCKS website, not to mention all the ongoing costs of hosting, autoresponder, domain name, coaching, profit share, free products, lead magnet creation, writing emails etc.

We ask you to agree to these terms and conditions, before you get access, so you fully understand there are no refunds because of all the work my team and I are doing for you here

If you are not serious about this incredible opportunity, do not join…


If you find an easier, better, quicker, and cheaper way to make money online than this, that actually GIVES YOU MONEY

And builds you a website, gets you subscribers, gives you traffic, gets you sales, creates a lead magnet for you, and gives you profit share on all launches

Do you think I'd still be in business if I had a crazy guarantee like this, if there were any other opportunities out there even remotely close to the incredible NETBUCKS opportunity?

How can I offer this? Because you won't find anything even remotely close!

NETBUCKS is the fastest, easiest, 100%-certain way, of making money online.


And gives you live coaching every week (forever) and free access to brand new training for life then just show me…

If you find an better, faster, easier, cheaper opportunity that does everything NETBUCKS does, I will give you a $5000 reward.


Yes. You are guaranteed to make your first sales with 24 hours of joining NETBUCKS.

You must follow the simple steps (takes 10 mins max.)…

And the 24 hours does not include weekends...

Join The Fastest And Easiest Way To Make Hands-Free Money:

Risk Free Acceptance Form: Your Order is 100% Safe & Secure

YES! I want to join NETBUCKS and get the FASTEST and EASIEST way to make hands-free money.

YES. I want my own Personally Branded Money Making Website

YES. Please Host my Website and Fast and Reliable Servers

YES. Please get me a high value Domain name and Manage it for me!

YES. I want a Custom Lead Magnet Done FOR me

YES. I want a Custom Lead Page done for me and Personally Branded for me

YES. Please set me up with a Hands-Free Autoresponder

YES. Give me 76 Automatic Sales-Getting emails written FOR me

YES. I want to Kick Start my Success with Traffic you give me

YES. Please get me my First 100 Subscribers

YES. I want to Profit  Share in all of Michael Cheney's Lucrative Launches

YES. Give me Instant Commissions in the first 24 hours and every week thereafter.

YES. I want 100% Commissions on Michael Cheney's future launches!

YES. Give me access to the Exclusive Netbucks Live weekly Sessions

YES. I want access to the Country Club Private Membership

YES. I want access to all of Michael Cheney's Past and Future Training Products

YES. I understand this has a real world value of $60,500 and I agree to the terms and conditions on this page to get access to it.

I understand and accept the NETBUCKS subscription is an incredibly low  $67.95 per week and, because of the upfront work required to build my website there is a ONE-TIME setup fee of $497.

I understand, because of all the up-front work and costs of building everything for me, there are strictly no refunds on this purchase - all sales are final. When I make all the passive income, I agree to post a testimonial in the Private Group. If I cancel, I can never re-join, and I will lose everything Michael's team build for me including my domain name,  website, hosting, autoresponder, subscribers, and access to the NETBUCKS members area, Private Community and LIVE Coaching Sessions.

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  • q-iconWill this make me money?

    YES. You are guaranteed to make money within the first 24 hours (excluding weekends).

  • q-iconI can't get Traffic, will this work for me?


    You will be given some start traffic. This will be enough to get you your first 100 subscribers.

  • q-iconI am not technical will this work for me?


    Everything is done for you. All the technical setup and maintenance, DONE!

  • q-iconWill it make Money even if I am not an Expert?


    You are guaranteed to make money with this within 24 hours (excluding weekends) and then every week after that!

  • q-iconIf I have trouble staying focused will this work for me?


    We do all the technical stuff so you can focus on scaling your business to maximum profits.

  • q-iconI am Time Crunched- Will this Work for me?


    This whole system was designed so that we could maintain all the techy stuff while you spend your time growing your business and making more sales.

  • q-iconCan I do this without Dealing with all the Hard, technical Autoresponder Stuff?


    We manage that for you so that you don’t have to.

  • q-iconCan I get Help from you if I get stuck?


    We have the most Stellar Support Staff in the IM industry. Just go to if you get stuck. We answer M-F 9-5 Eastern.

  • q-iconWill this make me money even though I don't have a product?


    We send out promotions on your behalf (using your affiliate link). You never have to create a product, but that is an excellent way to scale up your business for even more profits!

  • q-iconIf I don't have a list can I still make money with this?


    We will get you your first 100 subscribers to start your list. We will email them for you so you can make sales. You also make money by sharing in the Profit Sharing service where you just get paid!

  • q-iconIs it easy to get started?


    You just follow the simple steps in the members area and we do the rest of the setup and maintenance. You just bring traffic!

  • q-iconCan I make Passive Income with this?


    You will share in the profits of the launches and we will be emailing the subscribers we got you with your affiliate links.

  • q-iconCan I do this without buying Fancy Software?


    We do all the techy stuff so you can focus on scaling your business and making the most money possible.

Join The Fastest And Easiest Way To Make Hands-Free Money:

Risk Free Acceptance Form: Your Order is 100% Safe & Secure

YES! I want to join NETBUCKS and get the FASTEST and EASIEST way to make hands-free money.

YES. I want my own Personally Branded Money Making Website

YES. Please Host my Website and Fast and Reliable Servers

YES. Please get me a high value Domain name and Manage it for me!

YES. I want a Custom Lead Magnet Done FOR me

YES. I want a Custom Lead Page done for me and Personally Branded for me

YES. Please set me up with a Hands-Free Autoresponder

YES. Give me 76 Automatic Sales-Getting emails written FOR me

YES. I want to Kick Start my Success with Traffic you give me

YES. Please get me my First 100 Subscribers

YES. I want to Profit  Share in all of Michael Cheney's Lucrative Launches

YES. Give me Instant Commissions in the first 24 hours and every week thereafter.

YES. I want 100% Commissions on Michael Cheney's future launches!

YES. Give me access to the Exclusive Netbucks Live weekly Sessions

YES. I want access to the Country Club Private Membership

YES. I want access to all of Michael Cheney's Past and Future Training Products

YES. I understand this has a real world value of $60,500 and I agree to the terms and conditions on this page to get access to it.

I understand and accept the NETBUCKS subscription is an incredibly low  $67.95 per week and, because of the upfront work required to build my website there is a ONE-TIME setup fee of $497.

I understand, because of all the up-front work and costs of building everything for me, there are strictly no refunds on this purchase - all sales are final. When I make all the passive income, I agree to post a testimonial in the Private Group. If I cancel, I can never re-join, and I will lose everything Michael's team build for me including my domain name,  website, hosting, autoresponder, subscribers, and access to the NETBUCKS members area, Private Community and LIVE Coaching Sessions.

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