The Fastest and Easiest Way To Make Hands-Free Money.
- Your Very Own Money-Making, Personally-Branded Website ($5000 Value)
- Hosting On Our Server For Maximum Speed and Response ($3000 Value)
- High-Value Personalized Domain Name Purchased, Managed and Paid For ($1000 Value)
- Pro Lead Magnet Written and Created For You, Branded With Your Name and Photo ($1500 Value)
- High-Converting Lead Page Built For You, With Your Name and Picture ($1500 Value)
- Hands-Free Autoresponder Set Up And Activated For You ($7000 Value)
- 76 Automatic Sales-Getting Emails Written For You And Placed In Your Autoresponder ($4000 Value)
- High Quality Kick Start Traffic Sent To Your Website ($1000 Value)
- Your First 100 Subscribers, Done For You ($1500 Value)
- Hands-Free Profit Share On All Michael Cheney's Lucrative Launches ($12000 Value)
- Instant Passive Income Paid Within First 24 Hours and More Money Every Week! ($3000 Value)
- 100% Commissions On All Michael Cheney's Training Programs And Launches ($7000 Value)
- Exclusive Weekly ‘NETBUCKS LIVE’ Sessions ($5000 Value)
- The NETBUCKS Closed-Doors Country Club ($3000 Value)
- Free Access To All Of Michael Cheney’s Past, Current and Future Training Programs ($5000 Value)
I understand, because of all the up-front work and costs of building everything for me, there are strictly no refunds on this purchase - all sales are final. When I make all the passive income, I agree to post a testimonial in the Private Group. If I cancel, I can never re-join, and I will lose everything Michael's team build for me including my domain name, website, hosting, autoresponder, subscribers, and access to the NETBUCKS members area, Private Community and LIVE Coaching Sessions.
I understand, because of all the up-front work and costs of building everything for me, there are strictly no refunds on this purchase - all sales are final. When I make all the passive income, I agree to post a testimonial in the Private Group. If I cancel, I can never re-join, and I will lose everything Michael's team build for me including my domain name, website, hosting, autoresponder, subscribers, and access to the NETBUCKS members area, Private Community and LIVE Coaching Sessions.